It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Annual Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) and the Portuguese Society of Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (SPCE-TC), that will be held from 11 to 13 October 2023, at Auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra.
ETRS is a non-profit organization founded in 1988. Its mission is to promote knowledge and interchange between scientists, healthcare professionals and the industry on tissue repair, through annual meetings tackling from basic science to the clinical aspects of healing. SPCE-TC is also a non-profit organization that fosters research in regenerative medicine with special emphasis on the areas of Stem Cell Science and Technology, and Cell-based Therapies.
The 2023 ETRS & SPCE-TC Annual Meeting will bring together key players in the field to present and critically discuss the most recent advances in the field of Tissue Repair and Stem Cell-based Technologies. The meeting will devote particular attention to the promotion of networking between young and senior scientists, healthcare professionals and the industry, fostering the translation from the bench to the bedside.
Important dates:
Abstract submission – July 16th, 2023
Early bird registration – August 13th, 2023
Find more information here
Local Organizing Committee:
Eugénia Carvalho and Hugo Fernandes (conference chairs)
Carlos Jesus, Diana Santos, Ermelindo Leal, Jessica Da Silva, Marta Barao, Sandra Mimoso
Ageing With]Out[Borders
Faro on 6-7th December 2022
Human longevity has increased over time, but ageing is often combined to a decline of biological functions and health, associated with an increased risk for neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Although several aspects of ageing are preventable and can be improved through a healthy and active lifestyle, maintaining a long lasting healthy life is a major societal challenge that will require a better understanding of the ageing process in cells and in the entire organism to be adequately addressed.
This conference is set in the context of the “With]Out[Borders” series launched by the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (SPCE-TC) with the objective to nurture and promote fundamental and translational research on different research fields.
The Ageing With]Out[ Borders Conference aims to provide a multidisciplinary and informal stage to present recent developments in cells, stem cells, senescence, inflammation, and (epi)genetic mechanisms involved in ageing, by international renowned researchers in the field. This event will also offer the opportunity to promote discussion on fundamental and translational ageing research, and to discuss clinical and lifestyle interventions for health improvement during ageing.
Oral and poster communications will also be selected from the submitted abstracts and awards will be given to the best presentations. We invite you to join us in this event and contribute to a lively scientific discussion on the exciting field of ageing.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Faro!
José Bragança
(Meeting Chair)
For more information go to:
Prémio Crioestaminal & SPCE-TC de Investigação em Medicina Regenerativa
Prémio Crioestaminal & SPCE-TC de Investigação em Medicina Regenerativa
Visando a promoção da investigação na área da Medicina Regenerativa, a Sociedade Portuguesa de Células Estaminais e Terapia Celular (SPCE-TC) e a Crioestaminal, lançam em 2023 a terceira edição do “Prémio Investigação em Medicina Regenerativa”. Este prémio distinguirá a melhor publicação de índole básica ou aplicada na área designada, da autoria de investigadores nacionaisou estrangeiros, total ou parcialmente realizado em instituições portuguesas no ano anterior à sua atribuição (2022). O prémio consiste na atribuição de um valor pecuniário de 2000 euros e da inscrição no Congresso ETRS & SPCE-TC 2023 Joint Annual Meeting a decorrer no ano decandidatura
São elegíveis trabalhos publicados em revista científica indexada, que tenham como primeiro e/ou último autor membros com condição regularizada de sócio da SPCE-TC a trabalhar em Portugal à data da realização da investigação e da candidatura.
Os interessados em concorrer à primeira edição deverão enviar os seus trabalhos até dia 31 de Agosto de 2023, através do correio eletrónico Da candidatura deverão constar uma carta de motivação indicando a importância da publicação, certificado deassociado da SPCE-TC, assim como o PDF da publicação com documento suplementar se existente.
Os autores do trabalho premiado serão informados pela SPCE-TC até à semana anterior aoCongresso ETRS & SPCE-TC 2023 Joint Annual Meeting. A divulgação pública e a entrega doPrémio serão feitas durante o congresso, no qual decorrerá uma apresentação do trabalho por parte de um dos autores.
Membros do júri:
. António Salgado, Presidente do júri (Presidente da SPEC-TC)
. José Bragança (Vice-Presidente da SPEC-TC)
. José António Belo (Vice-Presidente da SPEC-TC 2008-2009)
. Cláudia Lobato-Silva (Vice-Presidente da SPEC-TC 2016-2019)
. Carla Cardoso (Diretora de Investigação & Desenvolvimento, Crioestaminal)